Latest source packages
Anytun - Version 0.3.8 (anytun-0.3.8.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.7 (uanytun-0.3.7.tar.gz)
md5sums | sha1sums | sha256sums
Linux binaries
Anytun is included in Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux and Gentoo. For other distributions please use the source package.
Windows Binaries
Anytun - Version 0.3.7 ( 32bit ) ( 64bit )
To install the network interface driver, you have to run tap_install.bat in the tap32 (Windows 32bit) or tap64 (Windows 64bit) folder
Development Version Anytun
Current development sources are available in our GIT repository. To build the application from source you have to follow these instructions:
git clone
cd anytun
Development Version µAnytun
Current development sources are available in our GIT repository. To build the application from source you have to follow these instructions:
git clone
cd uanytuncat README
Dependencies of Anytun
Anytun depends on Boost and OpenSSL, GCrypt or Nettle.
OpenSSL, GCrypt, Nettle and Boost are included in all major Linux distributions.
For developement with Visual Studio precompiled Windows Versions can be downloaded from:
(runtime is allready included in the Windows package) (OpenSSL) (Boost)
Older Releases
Anytun - Version 0.3.7 (anytun-0.3.7.tar.gz, Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit)
Anytun - Version 0.3.6 (anytun-0.3.6.tar.gz, Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit)
Anytun - Version 0.3.5 (anytun-0.3.5.tar.gz, Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit)
Anytun - Version 0.3.4 (anytun-0.3.4.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.3.3 (anytun-0.3.3.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.3.2 (anytun-0.3.2.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.3.1 (anytun-0.3.1.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.3 (anytun-0.3.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.2.1svn556 (anytun-0.2.1svn556.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.2svn490 (anytun-0.2svn490.tar.gz)
Anytun - Version 0.1svn441 (anytun-0.1svn441.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.6 (uanytun-0.3.6.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.5 (uanytun-0.3.5.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.4 (uanytun-0.3.4.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.3 (uanytun-0.3.3.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.2 (uanytun-0.3.2.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3.1 (uanytun-0.3.1.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.3 (uanytun-0.3.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.2.1 (uanytun-0.2.1.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.2 (uanytun-0.2.tar.gz)
µAnytun - Version 0.1 (uanytun-0.1.tar.gz)
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